
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Well, Hello 10.'s a size. A size that I haven't worn since I was 17.

My skinny sister in law, Stephanie, who has literally worked her behind off at "boot camp" shrinking out of her pants. So, she brought them over to my moms house. Just in case they might fit someone there. In need of pants...I said, "well, I'll give it a try" but not getting my hopes up. I tried them on, and guess what...They fit! She said they get bigger as you wear them, so I though maybe they were a fluke pair of 10's that were really more like my actual size, 12. But...when I came out wearing them, she said, "I have another pair of jeans I'll give you, too". They are also 10's. And THEY fit, too! I couldn't believe it. It was nice. Reeeeaaaalllly nice.

Ironically, my rear, and legs, are the part of my body I am the least concerned about. Yet...that is where I lose weight first. Since I started running in June, I've lost about 15 lbs, and around 11 inches from various body parts. (I haven't measured in a while). So, that was fun.

This week, I feel like I'm actually meeting my running mileage goals for the week for the first time in a long time! With my man's crazy school schedule and our families needs, I was finding it near impossible to get out during day light to run in our neighborhood.  A few weeks ago, my friend Heidi and I decided to meet up to do our speedwork at the same track at 5:15am, for safety reasons. There are not many lit tracks in our town, so we decided to pick the most visible one and go at the same time. I realized that I really didn't mind getting up that early. After mulling it over, I decided to ask Heidi, if I could tag along for her other early morning runs in her neighborhood. Our neighborhood is dark and I would not feel safe running it alone in the dark. I think I'm an official AM running convert. Today,  a shorter track workout, I was home around 6am. I had an hour before I had to get the kids moving towards school. I drank my coffee, I did a little Bible study, and got to see  my hubby for a few minutes before he left. I think I'm sold! I felt like I got alot done in that one hour. And, I did't even mind getting up at 4:45. My hubby goes to bed early anyhow, so we're actually getting more on the same schedule, which is really nice to say goodnight and good morning together.

My goals for this week, are to stick to the training plan, exactly.
That would be 19 miles this week logged.
I also want to drink 3 water bottles of water each day.
NO soda. Starting now.

I've been doing a little blog hopping and there are some fun giveaways out there!
There is THIS one over at Mere's blog for a great Endurance Band headband
THIS one over at Running Diva Mom for Chobani yogurt (yum!)
THIS one for a Moving Comfort Sports Bra!
THIS one for a Headsweats Hat!


Caroline said...

Ah I know the feeling of getting a new size pants! A year ago my size was it is 6. When I went to single digit size I could not believe those paints were actually mine! congrats and happy training for the rest of your week.

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

yey! congrats on losing so much weight! =)

Erika said...

that. is. awesome!

Anonymous said...

You are an AM running convert. I am a convert to running with people. It's worked out pretty good for both of us!! :-) I love running with you and getting to chat regularly. See you tomorrow for our long run!

H Love said...

congrats on the pants! score!! Sticking to a plan helps...I will be thinking of you as you work towards your 19 this week!